Media Credits
- Ted Talk “From Womb To World, the Journey that Shapes our Life” for TEDxABQWomen
- Interview Birthplan Radio,
- Happy Healthy Child, Documentary by Sarah Kamrath
- Magazine article in Happi.Kidz, “Het Verhaal van ons Leven begint al voor de Geboorte”
- Article in Bynkershoek Human Rights in Childbirth Conference Papers
- Magazine article in Vakblad voor de Natuurgeneeskunde, “Van Moederschoot naar Wereld”
- Weleda aanmeldings formulier, article “Terug naar het begin” by Anna Myrthe Korteweg
- De Telegraaf, artikel Bevallen met een fotograaf, in bijlage “Vrouw”
- Teleseries Everyone is a healer: The healing power of Love “Birth and Death as Healing”
- TV interview in Slovenia, 12 oddaja 1-5.avi
- TV interview in Belgium,
- Radio interview ‘Heart Beat’, Conscious Pregnancy, Empowering Birth
- TRM Radio, 98.1 FM in Central Northern New Mexico
- Book, Motherless Mothers, author Hope Edelman
- Birth, PBS Documentary by Suzanne Arms and Christopher Carson
- The Business of Being Born, Documentary by Ricky Lake and Abby Ebstein
- The Business of Being Born, Classroom Edition by Ricky Lake and Abby Ebstein
- AM 830 Radio show ‘Best from East to West’ about the movie The Business of Being Born, Los Angeles
- Bonded Beginnings, DVD by The Sanctuary Birth Center
- No Ordinary Joe, Documentary about the life of Papa Joe, Maori Midwife and Tohunga by Kiwa Film Productions, New Zealand
Photography Credits
- Happy Healthy Child, Documentary by Sarah Kamrath
- “From Womb to World” presentation at the Human Rights in Childbirth Conference in the Hague, the Netherlands
- Vakblad voor de Natuurgeneeskunde, article “Van Moederschoot naar Wereld”
- DVD’s the Intervention of Birth and the Intimacy of Birth, Cross Cultural Round Table Project on Birth, Tenerife, Spain
- DVD’s, the Intervention of Birth and the Intimacy of Birth, First International Congress of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Andrology, London, England
- Weleda Forum voor Verloskundigen and Seminar invitation
- Potentia Magazine, the Netherlands
- Photo invitation Celebrate Midwifery 2010 event in Los Angeles hosted by Carrie-Anne Moss and Ricky Lake
- Plaque for Peggy O’Mara, Mothering Magzine
- Plaque for California Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard
- Cover photo thesis ‘Kracht en Kwetsbaarheid rondom Geboorte’ by Merle van de Reep, University of Amsterdam, Holland
- Thesis ‘Kiss Syndrome’, by Dr Tonis, Utrecht, Holland
- DVD, The Intimacy of Birth, Baby Film Festival, Santa Barbara
- DVD, The Intimacy of Birth, Fundraiser with Ricky Lake for the Sanctuary Birth Center
- DVD, The Intimacy of Birth, The Bear Tooth Theatre, Anchorage, Alaska
- Birth, PBS Documentary by Suzanne Arms & Christopher Carson
- Bonded Beginnings, DVD by The Sanctuary Birth Center
- Pregnant in America, Documentary by Steven Buonaugurio
- The Psychology of Birth, Documentary by Elmer Postle
- Nine on the Town, TV Show, Channel 9, Los Angeles
- Brochure for APPPAH, the Association for Pre-and Perinatal Psychology and Health
- Book, Gentle Birth Choices, author Barbara Harper
- Book, A Right and Gentle Beginning, author Sarah Woodhouse
- Birth Photography Exposition, Waterbirth International Conference, Convention Center, Portland, Oregon